

Stretch of road of the current Via Francesco Cilea, between the districts of Cavarcatura e Goraci. The derivation of this micro-toponym is unknown. In local dialect the term lindineḍa means swallow


A district of the upper part of the town. Considered the morphology of the place, the term surely refers to a top tiny hill visible from the low part of the town


The term derives from the Greek πατέω (patèo) that means “get in, entrance”. It would be, therefore, the ancient entrance of the town. Indeed, the district is situated next to the district called Xχioppu and represents one entrance of the town (cfr. don Innocenzo Lombardo e Mario Voci, “Antichi toponimi di rioni (rughe)”, in L’Araldo di Gasperina, anno VI, n. 15, March 2015)

Petra ‘e Panghi

Stretch of road of the current Via Roma. Still today a granite rock is present (locally named peṭṛa) on which a residence has been built


District located after that of Santa Caterina that extends up to the panoramic zone over the Sanctuary of Maria SS. dei Termini

Santa Catarina

In this district there is the ancient Santa Caterina’s Church

San Gianni

Peripheral district on the provincial road that takes to the fountain of Conella, Palermiti and Montepaone


It rises at the end of the district of Cona. It is a place exposed to the sun, where once the cloths were stretched and people sat and socialize; the women spent whole afternoons to spin, to work on sweater. In this place, up to a few decades ago, a wooden cross for the Street Crucis existed

Sutt’a chjazza

District that is found in the underlying part of the central square of the town, which is characteristic for its web of tiny streets

Sutta Frìχχina

The district under the Frìχχina, which include today Via Italia and Via della Repubblica

Sutta l’arcu

The district takes its name from the arc under Lombardo’s mansion (or Lombardi) where the road spreads


This district is constituted from a street that develops close to the prospectus of east of the Matrix Church. The term is a perfect copy of the Greek adjective τυμβήρες (tiumbéres) coming from the same root of the verb τυμβέυω (tiumbéo) that means: “I give burial to a dead body”. U Timbèri must be considerd as the place where, in far the past, dead bodies were cremated. The cremation was typical of the Greek classical period, while it was forbidden at the Byzantine /Greek time for the people who were Christian. Up to the half of the last century, an arc in masonry and bricks introduced in the district. It has been destroyed because in dangerous conditions. It is easy to think that through the arc, they wanted to delimit with respect the ancient place of cremation of the dead people (cfr. don Innocenzo Lombardo e Mario Voci, “Antichi toponimi di rioni (rughe)”, in L’Araldo di Gasperina, anno VI, n. 16, June 2015)

Via de’ morti

It is the current Via Santa Maria that, starting from the district Cavarcatura, reaches the town cemetery. It is the place where still today, the dead people are  accompanied after the funeral rite. Once the accompaniment happened up to the cemetery; today it stops near the Municipality offices of the town


Crossroad from which the roads that lead to the districts of Munta, Cona, Sulla l’arcu e Chjazza widepread

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